Thursday, October 7, 2010

week one.

wow, well week one is almost over and I can't believe I've only been here for 6 days. This place has already begun to change my life. It has challenged me, broke me, and strengthened me. I know I've said it before, but these people have really become my family. Yesterday, each of the school staff shared their testimonies, and were open and vulnerable with us. which is so cool, because it shows that they were able to be comfortable with us. Then today each of the students shared our stories and how we ended up here. and that was the best thing ever for us. there is so much beauty in vulnerability, and transparency. People let down their guards and were just real. We were able to cry and laugh together and each of us shared the challenges we have faced and just how much God has brought us though. then we finished it with wrapping our arms around each other and praying. It was fantastic (in the words of Natalie)
The base staff also spent time in prayer for each one of us the other day, as we were in class, and they wrote us all words of encouragement and just what the Lord had put on their hearts for each one of us. I got mine this morning, and was blown away but what they were saying, and by the wisdom they shared. It is such a cool thought to know that there is a base staff of up to 20 people praying for you. And just to clarify, the base staff aren't the ones that are with us all the time. These are the staff that run the base, and do maintenance and office work. So they don't even know us as well as our school staff, and yet they are so encouraging to lift us all up in prayer.
This week, i have made friends, and memories that will last me forever. I have experienced the freedom of just aimlessly walking in the countryside and soaking in the beauty of the nature around me. I got to experience my first New Zealand beach, and the amazing white sand and crashing waves. I've faced challenges I never thought I would in the first week, and I've been reminded of the Lord's amazing grace and guidance through it all. Even when I'm on the other side of the world from the people I would usually run to during hard times, the Lord has been faithful to bring people to me to love on me and encourage me. He has allowed me to struggle and cry and ask why, but then held my hand through it all and even though I may not see clarity just yet he has promised to bring it.
Tonight we are going into Christchurch, for a mystery event and for some more team bonding. Which has been one of my favorite parts. It has been so cool, because although we are all so different and come from all over the world we are having a blast together. For instance, while sharing testimonies today, one of the guys, for Norway made a joke about me, and how fast i talk compared to him. Now you know you have all bonded well if someone feels comfortable to joke about you just prior to sharing his life story. It was awesome. These guys have become like brothers and these girls my sisters.
Yesterday, one of my roommates, Natalie, got flowers from her boyfriend, who lives in Ontario. It was such an encouragement to all of us girls, as we were able to share and talk and bond through it all.
I've gained a deep love for all these people already, and week one is barely over.
my roommates, minus Natalie.

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