Monday, December 13, 2010

t-5 days

So my time at the oxford base is quickly coming to an end, as I leave for Thailand in 5 very short days.
my time here has been amazing, but I don't want to reflect too much because it isn't over yet, and so I don't want to get into that mindset yet.
However, this will be my last blog on here for a while, but I will post the link to my Thailand teams blog, which will be updated far more regularly than this one. Apologies once again for that.

But as a parting message, for a while at least, I will leave you with a little taste of the daily things I encounter here in Oxford.

-7 different languages (including "american")
-countless sheep
- pressing a button on the top of the toilet or on the wall to flush
-light switches that go down to go on
-stay to the left, while driving and walking
-you must turn outlets on for power to flow through them, again flip switch down
- sweet as
-daily tea breaks are mandatory
-cookies are called biscuits 
- all stores close at 4 (in oxford at least)
- the same breakfast everyday
- if the shirt doesn't totally stink wear it
-daily work duties
- the most amazing stars i've ever seen
- anytime toast
-sitting in the student lounge way too late laughing about way too much
- 13 girls, 2 bathrooms
- wearing shoes only when necessary
- tim tam slams
- you can go into basically any store without shoes and not worry about it
- seagars
- no free running dears, only in fences
-horses, and horse drawn carriages 
- an awesome chef cooking for us
- sand flies! (worst thing ever!)
- sleeping bag every night
- sharing a room with 5 girls
- random dance parties
- retro vans
- "have i taken a shower today?"
- breath taking views
- music always playing somwhere
- after shocks
- HAIRY men!

My Thailand teams blog; please follow and pray for us.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

a little help needed.

hey all!
well my time here in oxford is quickly coming to an end, in 11 short days I will be flying off to Thailand and Cambodia for 2 months. It's hard to believe that I have to leave this family as well, because we have all gotten so close. yesterday a bunch of us sat in the student lounge and make Christmas decorations, and snowflakes to put around the place while listening to some good ol' Christmas music. It has been rainy the last two days, so it just seemed fitting that we would decorate if we could. So that is what we've been filling our days up with lately.
It has been a little overwhelming thinking that we are all parting after we have bonded so much, but at the same time we know that we are going to be like a flood just flowing out and into the world.
unfortunately this blog has to be short, because I have a book report due, and so I must get started on that. But I'm alive and more than well, and miss you all.
With the mention of outreach I have one quick favour to ask of you...
currently 5 of our staff members dont have enough money to finish paying for outreach, so please pray that comes in and if any of you feel led to donate you can go to:
scroll to the bottom of the page and select donations
and for the "purpose" write Backpackers DTS outreach

as well as pray for our teams and the prep of getting ready to go. especially for team unity, health, finances, and peace, as we are all a little on edge to see what's in store for us.

thank you all.

my outreach team ben, malori me and luca