Thursday, November 18, 2010

four voices, one ipod

Things are in crazy overload at the moment, as we just passed the half way mark of lecture phase. 7 weeks in, and a whole new perspective on life. I have this uncontrollable desire to just sit at the feet of Jesus, and just to soak in His presence. I have now just caught a tiny glimpse of how incredible He is, and I can't even contain it. His love is being to swell out of me. My pain, shame, inadequacy, come and try to haunt me, but then the love of my Saviour washes over me again, and they leave. I have experienced freedom, and forgiveness in a new light since being here. The Holy Spirit allowed me to break for a while, and brought up past pain and bitterness to my mind, so He could wipe it clean, in order to meet with Him more clearly. He is revealing truths to me, and passions are becoming stronger. God is good.
My school is filled with incredible people, and last week the snowboarders school, that runs from June to mid Nov. came back from outreach, for their week of debrief and graduation. Each of the students in my school had been given the name of a boarder a week before they came back, and were able to pray for them. Because the boarders have more students I was given two names. Aaron and Breezy, two 20 year olds from Colorado (they are so many colorado-ers here) Anyways, as I was praying for these two people I had never met, God revealed things about their lives to me, and areas to pray into and so I did. Then when I got to meet them, I shared what I had prayed for and what was revealed to me. and you know what? Things were freakishly accurate about what I saw and got. Here are these people I have never met before, that I know absolutely nothing about, and I'm speaking completely into their lives. The power of God is incredible. So as I mentioned in my last blog we beat them in soccer, which was fantastic! But there was these two guys from the boarders school, that I bonded with so closely. One, instantly, and the other after initial impressions had faded. Point is these guys are awesome. the night before they left we ended up talking and admiring Gods creation, and sharing testimonies late into the night. It is one of the beautiful things about YWAM, you may only have known people for a week, but you bond so quickly because of shared purpose and experiences. It's funny how God knows exactly what we need when we need it. Just as my relationship with some of the guys here hit a wall, and I started getting frustrated He put more brothers into my life to encourage me. God's provision is astounding at times.
You know what else is amazing about God? His love, and His ability to take over a situation at any moment. I think of lecture this morning, and how the spirit just came and decided to take over, and we ended up spending the whole time in prayer and worship, and how the Spirit spoke through our speaker over our lives, and it was far greater than any lecture he could have given.
Outreach prep is starting to come together, as our team now meets a couple times a week, to pray, fast, worship, and plan together. Yesterday was our first experience of how worship is generally going to look while in Thailand. Just four voices and an ipod. But it was beautiful. We all shared a good chuckle about the fact that our school is swarming with musicians and our team just so happen to be the only team without one on it. So we sat together around an ipod and sang, loudly and out of tune. But it was beautiful, and it was from the heart, and that worship is far greater than any big show or production that people can put on when they don't include their hearts. As the time grows closer, anticipation increases, but I know it will be good, and it is God's will, and that is enough, because He is enough.

1 comment:

  1. You made me laugh out loud with your verbal picture of the 4 of you sitting around an iPod singing loudly and off-key! Oh how I miss your voice and the joy of your worship.
    Thanks for the update! Love your Momma
