Monday, September 27, 2010

you can fly.

Good byes are so bittersweet.
As I stood in my living room tonight, overlooking my friends all piled into that one little space, I couldn't help but smile. These people are my life. They are everything that matters to me here in Langley. and I was blessed to have them all in the same room at once.
I felt loved. and blessed, and knew that God was in that place, smiling and laughing alone side of us. He had brought each person in that room into my life for a reason. He had our friendship planned out before it was even formed.
The outpouring of encouragement in cards, and hugs, and gifts brought me to tears. Each one so personal, and so beautiful.
I leave in 3 days, and it still doesn't totally feel real to me yet. I mean sure, saying good bye to my best friends tonight was beyond difficult, but there is still that thought in my head saying, you will see them soon. and I will. Soon in this case may just mean 5 or more months, but this isn't the end.
A dear friend of mine said something beautiful to me yesterday. She said "our job as parents is to give our kids two things. Roots, and wings. Roots, to determine who we are and what we stand for. And wings, to go and soar, and be the person God is calling us to be."
My roots have grown, and have settled in and made me who I am, now it is time for my wings to grow. and for me to expand my new wings and to leap with both feet into a world of unknown. New people, places, experiences and challenges. And to trust that my wings will hold me up, and will guide me to where I am to go. And see I'm lucky, because I don't have to rely on myself to direct my wings, but rather I have the King guiding them. The ultimate pilot, tour guide and friend. I am ready to allow Him to guide me. I'm casting my fears aside and jumping off that cliff, and taking flight.
Tonight was the perfect good bye.


  1. Becky: Okay I wanted to say Dear Becky but didn't want to seem too sappy. Well I may not of been able to make the big send off, but I was there in spirit. I thought of you during the course of the evening and all that kept coming to my mind is HIS PEACE. I came home from the wedding at 11:30 pm sat down opened my bible and here it was: Phillipians 4:4-9 In a nutshell, consise to the point. I could not of said it better. My friend , go in Peace know that He is ALWAYS with you. Blessings from our house and I will miss you but will know that you are in the best hands possible. Be good, stay safe and have fun. Talk to you soon. Mama Mo

  2. I'll be following this
    And that address in the previous post may come in handy :)
    I don't know if I said this alreay, but I'm gonna miss you tons :)
